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Complete Tracheostomy Cleaning Tray

HomeCatalogTracheostomy CareComplete Tracheostomy Cleaning Tray
Complete Tracheostomy Cleaning Tray
Complete Tracheostomy Cleaning Tray thumbnail
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Complete Tracheostomy Cleaning Tray

Complete Tracheostomy Cleaning Tray thumbnail

Single-use trays for care of the tracheostony patient, with or withoutgloves. Over wrap trays include: three rigid basins for cleaning,soaking and rinsing, pre-sewn trach dressing, four gauze sponges, threepipe cleaners, cleaning brush, three cott  View more

Single-use trays for care of the tracheostomy patient, with or without gloves. Over wrap trays include: three rigid basins for cleaning, soaking and rinsing, pre-sewn trach dressing, four gauze sponges, three pipe cleaners, cleaning brush, three cotton-tipped applicators, 32" twill tape, plastic forceps and paper wrap, W/2 Latex gloves.

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